Street-Pole-ads are a great way to reach people where they work, play and live. It is media platform that is almost everywhere in South Africa, and when great creative is used, it gets people to notice, like and interact with your brand by informing them and getting them to take action in the real world.
Comparing Street-Pole-ads to other advertising options:
Unlike TV, radio or print, Street-Pole-ads is media that cannot be turned off or put down. Viewers cannot fast forward through a Street-Pole-ad as it moves through their environment. With TV, radio, print and the Internet, consumers have the ability to change the channel, fast forward, turn the page (or miss the page!) or close the browser window. Street-Pole-ads are possibly the last place where consumers do not control the ad space. This gives advertisers unprecedented control over how and where an ad is seen. Street-Pole-ads are GIVING advertisers more control over their ad space through its immunity to the “PVR effect” and its unprecedented offering of different creative options that extend beyond the frame. This at a time when other ad media are offering advertisers less control!
As the effectiveness of these other media slips, Street-Pole-ads are also being seen by a larger and larger audience — especially as people spend longer periods of time commuting and away from their homes.
More time away from the home = more time in front of out-of-home media and outdoor advertising.
We are your one stop shop for Street-Pole-ads advertising:
The choices and combinations are limited only by the imagination and they are all available here at ADreach. Street-Pole-ads advertising is all that we do.
Experience the power of Street-Pole-ads: give us a call and we’ll make you a believer too.