In 2013


In 2013, people may think that outdoor advertising has become obsolete due to our tech-driven world. Does outdoor match up against the increasingly personalized and direct methods of advertising yielded by the Internet? The simple answer is yes. Most electronic media (mobile ads, TV commercials, etc.) can be either skipped or averted by a simple change of the channel, while billboards remain practically unavoidable. Who can deny that, especially while sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, an effective billboard can grab your attention?

In the US the Arbitron National In-Car Study showed commuters over the age of eighteen spend about eighteen and a half hours in their car per week, and two-thirds of Americans make shopping decisions while on the road. We don’t have South African figures but we don’t differ too much from our counterparts in the US.

The value of an outdoor sign is largely determined by its DEC (Daily Effective Circulation). DEC rates are the daily estimated number of people over the age of eighteen that are exposed to an outdoor sign. Outdoor in areas with higher volumes of traffic experience a higher DEC than those in areas with lower traffic volumes. As Gautenger’s who regularly commute on the M1 and N1 know. Heavy traffic does however have a silver lining for outdoor advertisers. Slower moving traffic means more time for commuters to view surrounding outdoor ads. With over 40,000 Street Pole Ads in our portfolio in SA, ADreach can get your message out there quickly and effectively.

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